Resist & Reimagine

2. Housing & The Pandemic: Are Landlords Greedy?

FTC Youth Storytellers Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, the Storytellers reflect on the housing crisis at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. They go over NYC’s tenant campaigns to #cancelrent, stop evictions, and house the homeless and question the ethics of our existing housing structure.
Hosts: Astra, Briana, Denaesja, Fatumata, and Ivory
FTC Tenant Leaders heard in this episode: Redoneva Andrews, Paulette James


  1. Housing Court Must Change Our Demands During COVID-19 and Beyond Right to Counsel.  Retrieved from Right to Counsel NYC 
  2. Organizing Response to COVID-19. Retrieved from Right to Counsel NYC 
  3. Frequently Asked Questions about the Campaign to Cancel Rent. Retrieved from Right to Counsell NYC Coalition 
  4. Our Campaign to #HouseNY. Housing Justice for All. Retrieved from Housing Justice for All 

Producer/Editor: Sarah Guillet.
Project coordinators: Sarah Guillet & Krysten Washington.
Audio Engineer: SoulMarcos Production

Thanks for listening! If you have housing questions or want to organize a tenant association in your building, you can contact Flatbush Tenant Coalition:

Instagram: @flatbushpower FlatbushTenantCoalition

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